Safety and Hygiene measures

At Curbstone, we can ensure you that all are upcoming events are in line with all regulations and will be 100% COVID-proof. We would like to inform you about the safety measures that apply at Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps.

GT and Sports cars1. Self-screening

  • If you are exhibiting any COVID-symptoms, stay at home and contact your doctor.

Circuit access2. Access to the Circuit

  • Access to the Circuit will be STRICTLY controlled. Only the Blanchimont gate will be in operation. Any person arriving unannounced, who is not a member of staff at the Circuit, will be refused access. NO exceptions will be made.

  • Access hours are the following: from 6am to 9am the day of the activity and the latest exit will be at 7pm.

  • Each participant will receive an email with a unique electronic code enabling him/her to access the Circuit. This unique electronic code (paper or smartphone) will be scanned at the Circuit entrance.

  • Temperature testing at the site entrances is mandatory every day.

Social Distancing3. Social distancing

  • Social distancing must be respected at all times as part of the prevention measures. This means that a distance of one and a half metres must be maintained between people

GT and Sports cars4. Face masks mandatory

  • To ensure a safe return to the track, the wearing of masks and visors (if you have them) is MANDATORY at the Circuit at all times (and for drivers as soon as the helmet is removed).

Hand hygiene5. Hand hygiene

  • Regular handwashing is also a priority under the measures introduced. There is soap and/or hydroalcoholic gel available on site.

GT and Sports cars6. Onsite disinfection /
prevention measures

  • Signs displaying the rules that must be respected and barriers to be used are in place.

  • The Circuit of Spa-Francorchamps has installed soap and paper dispensers in all garages available to participants. Several disinfection points equipped with hydroalcoholic gel / gloves / masks have been installed at the entrances to buildings in use.

  • Disinfection of at-risk surfaces and the replenishment of soap and paper will take place between 7 pm and 9 pm after use of the site during training days.

GT and Sports cars7. Circuit facilities – WC & Showers

  • Overnight stays on the premises are STRICTLY prohibited as well as access to the showers. You must wash your hands when entering and leaving the toilet areas.

  • The F1 garage toilet areas remain accessible, as does the Belgacom block, for those using the Endurance boxes. These will be disinfected after use.

GT and Sports cars8. Moving around onsite

  • Once inside the boxes, you are ONLY authorised to move around within the paddocks and reduced to a strict minimum.

Coaching9. Coaching / Training sessions

  • Training sessions for amateurs with coaching are prohibited at this time. Thus the amateur driver will be alone in the car. For professional coaching, drivers and coaches participating in professional motorsports championships registered in the RACB or FIA calendar will have to state on their honour in the Charter.

guests10. Guests

  • The presence of family, friends and visitors is strictly prohibited except for drivers younger than 18 years of age.

Pit boxes11. Pit boxes

  • To ensure a correct ventilation of the boxes, the doors must stay open on the pitlane side

  • F1 boxes and paddock:
    Each individual box can include a maximum of 8 people. Two cars are authorised per individual box. Movements from one box to another and from one group to another will be prohibited. Only one truck/large van is authorised at the paddock side exit of each box.

  • Endurance boxes and paddock:
    Each individual box can include a maximum of 3 people. One car is authorised per individual box. Movements from one box to another and from one group to another will be prohibited. Only one truck/large van is authorised at the paddock side exit of each box.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to get more information.
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